The Kinēsa® Process: 7-Module On-Demand Video Training
$297.00 View DetailsThe Kinēsa Process
The Stress-Incontinence Workshop with Jane Burdick
$40.00 View Details -
Thursday Online Class Series
$60.00 View DetailsSeries Theme: FeldenYoga! (It's not what you think)
Four Thursdays, March 6, 13, 20, 27 11 AM EDT
Live or via replay
The Feldenkrais Method® to Reawaken Your Body
$497.00 View Details12-Module On-Demand Video Training
A New Relationship With Your Blanket
$3.99 View DetailsBlankets are not just for snuggling. In this amazingly relaxing lesson, you will learn how to soften your whole self by using a rolled up blanket as a support for changing your relationship of your bones to muscles, and how to make gravity your friend. You will need a small blanket, like a throw or a Mexican blanket, and perhaps a small pillow.
Experience the Feldenkrais Method®
$297.00 View Details7-Module On-Demand Video Training
Online Class – Single Session
$18.00 View DetailsTreat yourself to an interactive, live, online experience. You can join any class - all online Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons are for any level of learner. For a full description and details, check out the series description.
My Favorite Back Lesson
$3.99 View DetailsI don't know if you ever heard of Hammacher Schlammer, but they offer the "best" of everything: the best night light, the best humidifier, the best de-humidifier, the best compression socks. Is the the best Back relief lesson ever? It is for me, I hope you enjoy it. In some ways, this lesson made me a Feldenkrais convert for life.
Hamstrings and Lower Back
$3.99 View DetailsPeople often complain about having tight hamstrings, or lower back pain, or both. It's not that I'm a fan of "stretching" but certainly feeling a bit of freedom and flexibility in both affords better posture and more comfort in walking. If you sit a lot - driving, working at a computer, you need to explore this kind of movement. This is a lesson done in sitting. Modifications are offered if you are unable to sit on the floor. As always, listen to your comfort level, stay safe, and you will reap the benefits.
Your Wrists and Your Back
Typing on a keyboard, “thumbing” on a phone, hitting that remote control – all require use of tiny muscles that would prefer to be connected to the arm and shoulder. But in order to type fast, we unconsciously inhibit the connection to bigger muscles. Who knew your wrists began in your back? This lesson is […]$3.99 View Details -
Bringing Up Baby
Sometimes, there’s nothing like regressing. Infant development movements can help us re-connect with our flexibility, mobility and sense of play. Allow yourself to be in the present moment and discover how much fun it is to reconnect with long forgotten patterns of movement, with a rolling finale!$3.99 View Details -
The Spine Moves the Head
This amazing lesson explores all the directions in which the spine and head are connected, by literally connecting the movement of the two parts in a fascinating way. I have also found this to be a great way to connect with strengthening the back and core.$3.99 View Details -
Heads Will Roll!
Actually, not just your head. Your chest, your back and your pelvis will all join the party. After this lesson, one student commented that it felt like their head and neck had been “oiled.” This lesson has a few sequences on the stomach, so you may want a small pillow for your forehead at times.$3.99 View Details -
Starting at the Bottom – Your Feet Affect Everything
$3.99 View DetailsHow do your feet connect to the floor? How do the 27 bones impact your posture and ability to move? And is there really a connection between your feet, your pelvis and your pelvic floor? Try this lesson and discover for yourself! You will want to put your mat by a wall for this one.
Shoulders, Chest and Opening Your Heart
$3.99 View DetailsEvery muscle in your shoulders connects to your ribs and your back. This lesson looks at how that relationship can improve not just how your arms work but how your entire torso can "open up" to new possibilities.
Improving Posture
$7.99 View DetailsFive Awareness Through Movement® lessons for finding your true height.
Back Relief
$11.99 View DetailsFive Awareness Through Movement® lessons that can help educate your back for greater ease and comfort.
$7.99 View DetailsFive lessons for helping your vision and more.
To the Pelvic Clock and Beyond!
$3.99 View DetailsIf you think you've done it all when it comes to clocks, this lesson is for you. Not only will you experience the clock in new orientations, but new ways of using your pelvis, head and eyes (Yes your eyes!) Definitely a "flexible brain" lesson, that will change your perception of your SI Joint forever. As you explore this lesson, remember - less is more - don't force things and take your time.
Surrendering Your Shoulders
$3.99 View DetailsCan a deep understanding of how you use your shoulders affect the rest of you? Yes! (And of course, your shoulders.) This meditative exploration of your shoulder blades, with a little voyage of discovery into their role in supporting your arms and expressing emotions is a Feldenkrais classic.
Eye, Knees, Head, and Yes, the Rest
$3.99 View DetailsHow do your eyes influence your spine? How do your eye muscles affect the way you see the world? In this lesson, you will learn to use "soft eyes" an easy way of gazing in relation to various ways of differentiating head, knees and chest. It's an extremely relaxing lesson that can change both your posture and your peripheral vision!
The Smart Way to a Strong Core
$3.99 View DetailsThis lesson is a wonderful adventure into understanding the relationship of core strength to your back, your neck and the function of sitting up (eventually :-))
Pelvic and Shoulder Mirror
$3.99 View DetailsThis unique lesson uses the arms and shoulder girdle moving in relation to your legs and pelvic girdle to create a whole body experience of connection.
Making friends with your ribs
$3.99 View DetailsThis lesson introduces you to the sternum and its possibilities for relaxing the chest and the spine.
Imagine Yourself on the Beach
$3.99 View DetailsWhen you need to relax - this lesson is part meditation, part visualization, and all Feldenkrais. You will feel not just your spine, but your whole back say....THANK YOU.
Your Powerful Abdomen!
$3.99 View DetailsYou've done the pelvic clock. Well imagine moving that clock upward on your torso and working your abdomen and ribs. It's an Awareness Through Movement adventure into core strength!
Your Back and Your Hip Joints
$3.99 View DetailsSo many hip problems are related to the organization of the spine. This unique lesson brings awareness, clarity and new freedom to both.
Sliding Your Spine
$3.99 View DetailsCan it slide? Sink? Slither? And what does this have to do with your shoulder girdle? Try it and find out!
Strengthen Your Back On Your Stomach
$3.99 View DetailsAfter this lesson, a student said, "I need to do this lesson every day!" While it may seem challenging to be on your stomach, the pay off is amazing in your improved posture and the support you'll feel in your lower back.
A Thousand Ways to Move Yourself
$3.99 View DetailsHow heavy are your legs? What moves you? What is effortless movement? This lesson, based on the classic tilting crossed legs explores new territories in surprising ways.
Rocking the Pelvis, Waking the Hips
$3.99 View DetailsCan you feel your spine move through your whole torso? How does your femur conduct force into the hip joint? Don't you want to know the answer and have a good time? Lie down and enjoy!