Lavinia Plonka
How you move…
is how you move through life.
There is a science to knowing your emotional state. And there is an art to cultivating fluency. To be emotionally fluent means you are able to express yourself with clarity and intention. Like being fluent in any language, choosing an appropriate behavior can become as effortless as speaking your native tongue.
Welcome to possibility!
Life can be joyful when you feel whole. Working with Lavinia’s Kinēsa® process, you will feel energized, inspired and hopeful. Find freedom from limitations: physical, mental or emotional, by using intelligent movement. Let Lavinia be your guide toward a confident, happy and creative you!
From the Kinēsa® Blog
If The Shoe Doesn’t Fit…
According to the neuroscientist Antonio Damasio’s “somatic marker hypothesis” we recognize we are about to make a bad decision long before we actually do it. Card players hooked up to sensors exhibited stress signals before admitting they knew the game was rigged. So...
Almost Famous
“In the future, everyone in the world will be famous for 15 minutes.” - Andy Warhol You may not have noticed it, but I became famous almost a year ago. It started with my self-published “best seller” You’ve Got the Power: Four Paths to Unlocking Your Archetypal...
Grasp & Release
My Father lost everything: his home, his store, almost his life, to the Nazis. After the war, he lost everything again trying to open another store in London. And finally in his later years, he lost everything again, bankrupting himself with an ill-fated travel...
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Sometimes you just need an Awareness Through Movement® lesson and there’s no class available. These lessons are edited audio files of some of Lavinia’s live online classes. Extraneous corrections and noises have been removed to give you a clean less.
Single Lesson Downloads are $3.99 each and in mp3 format.
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Lavinia Plonka
Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner
Body language expert Lavinia Plonka has helped people improve their movement, behavior, relationships and careers for over 35 years. She guides clients through connecting the dots between posture/movement, emotions and the mind. Read more