First World Problems

First World Problems

It started with a drip. A delicate but nevertheless relentless Chinese torture, steady and eternal, from the bathroom sink. As people who like to think that we have better things to do with our time, we ignored it. It became a companion, a little tick, tick, tick...
Ants “R” Us

Ants “R” Us

I was going to call this the year of the spider.  When we lived in NJ, we had spiders crawl into forgotten corners, spin webs in light fixtures and occasionally venture onto the kitchen floor.  But nothing prepared us for North Carolina, where brazen representatives...
I Am Legion

I Am Legion

My sister and I were recently wondering whether our grasp of the continuously evolving vocabulary of the English language would help us prevent dementia: terabyte, download, netiquette, malware, neuroplasticity, acid-reflux, bromance, bingeable, biohack, microbiome....
My Theory of Everything

My Theory of Everything

   “Rosebud,”  Last word of Citizen Kane  Long, long ago, in eternally sunny Southern California, (remember when sunny California sounded like heaven instead of a dry and gasping desert?), I was sitting around with some friends with nothing better to do than play with...
Let The Sock Go!

Let The Sock Go!

I’m feeling ridiculous, standing here, holding a sock filled with cornstarch, tied at the top. A new miracle cure, you ask? Perhaps an esoteric facial treatment endorsed by Gwyneth Paltrow? A fun way to whack your husband? I know I should throw it away, yet I stand...