Single Lesson Downloads
Your Lungs Are In There
$3.99 View DetailsThis lesson is like a deep dive into your relationship to your lungs and the mechanisms of your breath. You'll feel more relaxed and have a deeper understanding of your own breathing patterns. In addition, sometimes just breathing can help relax tension in the ribs and spine.
Flexible Wrists and Arms
$3.99 View DetailsWe spend so much time on our keyboards - all that fine motor control can cause stiffness in wrists, arms and shoulders. This lesson can help reduce tension from the wrists all the way up to the neck.
Press Down to Lighten Up
$3.99 View DetailsWhether you swing a golf club, dance the lindy or simply want to improve your balance, the relationship of your eyes to how you turn, twist and look is paramount. This lesson is done mostly in standing, so it's very practical for anyone who wants better rotation and balance.
Rotation, Rotation, Rotation
$3.99 View DetailsWhether you swing a golf club, dance the lindy or simply want to improve your balance, the relationship of your eyes to how you turn, twist and look is paramount. This lesson is done mostly in standing, so it's very practical for anyone who wants better rotation and balance.
Occupying Your Whole Self
$3.99 View DetailsSometimes life squishes us in, holds us down. We make ourselves small and in the process live with hidden holding places that don't allow us to feel the full expression of ourselves. This meditative journey into your shape, your space and your ability to feel yourself from the inside is relaxing and empowering.
(44 min)
Open Your Heart by Awakening the Back
$3.99 View DetailsAnyone who has practiced Yoga has found themselves in Sphinx pose. Many people treat Sphinx like a baby version of Cobra. But there is so much going on in between your shoulder blades. And there is so much possibility for improving posture, working on that dowager hump, even reorganizing how your head sits on top of your shoulders when you explore this lesson. (42 min)
Improving Internal Rotation
$3.99 View DetailsHips and spine, hips and spine! So many possibilities, so many ways to make things difficult. Most people judge the flexibility of their hips by checking how far out they open to the outside (think lotus pose) but what about the other way? Could improving internal rotation change your posture, and maybe even improve your lotus? Bonus - discover the power of the see-saw breath! (46 min)
A Caress, Your Breath and Your Chest
$3.99 View DetailsYou could look at this lesson as a way to improve how you use your ribs. Or you could explore the relationship of your breath to letting go of striving. But I also like the idea that I am experiencing sensation - how my hand experiences my parts, and how those parts relate to my hand. In the end, it's a lovely journey toward flexibility. (45 min)
Oscillation: The Path to Relaxation
$3.99 View DetailsYou may be old enough to remember the vibrating mattresses at hotels back in the day. You'd pop in a quarter (imagine a quarter buying ANYTHING now!) and the whole bed would jiggle back and forth. This oscillating movement is yours anytime you want it, simply by doing this lesson. Beneficial side effects include softer hips, improved breathing and a feeling that you are melting into the floor. Enjoy! (44 min)
Soft back, soft hips and more.
$3.99 View Details42 min
Using your arm to transform your ribs
$3.99 View DetailsIf you like a lesson that takes you to new places in yourself, this is it. By lengthening your arm in unusual ways, you'll discover the connections between arms, shoulders and ribs while challenging your perceived limitations! (40 min)
Vibrating Your Bones
$3.99 View DetailsThis very unusual lesson gives new meaning to letting go. You will experience how using your own body weight can help you literally let go and make friends with gravity. It's also a wonderful way to develop coordination and feel your own sense of rhythm. (41 min)
Playing With Your Toes
$3.99 View DetailsBabies are constantly interacting with their toes, delighting in making new connections with themselves. Once we start walking, our toes are often neglected, forgotten and even smashed into strange shapes by our shoes. They hide there until bunions, hammer toes and other indignities appear. This lesson not only reacquaints you with your amazing toes, but can change how you walk and even how you fit in your shoes!
Connecting Ankles and Pelvis in Turning
$3.99 View DetailsSpoiler Alert: This is a STANDING lesson! Because let's face it, life requires that you stand up and move around and you can be aware then too. This is a great lesson for improving your balance and your posture, and it's the kind of lesson you can integrate parts of during your day.
Get Into the Swing!
$3.99 View DetailsSo often when I ask people to sit up, they "pop up" straining in the neck or haul themselves up, grunting at the effort. We often teach people how to sit up following the path of least resistance, rolling to the side and easing up. This lesson explores another way to soften the back and chest to effortlessly "swing" up - a bit of elegance, a bit of momentum and voila! Don't worry if it doesn't bring you to sitting, or you don't want to "swing." Just the gentle movements of connecting head, neck and shoulders to the arms and legs is delightful in itself.
Shrugging Your Way to Relief
$3.99 View DetailsHow many times have you joked that your shoulders are up by your ears from stress? Did you know that there is a lot involved when you move your shoulders? Of course you did! This seated lesson is easy for anyone to do, but yields amazing results. You'll connect your ribs, your neck and so much more. Shrugging will never be the same.
Cat, Cow, Fish and More
$3.99 View DetailsA colleague named Stephen Rosenholtz once created an entire program for children called Move Like the Animals based on Feldenkrais lessons. While you won't necessarily become an animal after this, you will experience new possibilities for mobility and your spine. This lesson is really great for helping you reconnect with a relaxed and functional lower back. You will be in many different positions and will feel terrific afterwards! And if you love yoga, this will definitely enhance your practice.
Seeing With Your Brain
$3.99 View DetailsHow do I know where I am? How do the muscles of the eyes affect my ability to connect with my parts? In this classic, yet very unusual Awareness Through Movement lesson you will learn novel ways to connect your eyes with your imagination, your proprioception and more! This is a seated lesson that can be done by anyone.
Spiraling Up
$3.99 View DetailsSpoiler alert: You WILL stand up. But don't start by striving for the goal. Instead use this lesson as an opportunity to discover the way your pelvis can make every movement easier, including getting up and down from the floor.
Your head is connected to your feet
$3.99 View DetailsYou've heard it before, but in this lesson, you will experience another way to access power and find a new way for your head, while discovering how to change your orientation. This starts on the stomach and goes into new territory.
Lengthen your arms with your feet
$3.99 View DetailsWe don't often think about our arms being connected to our feet, although of course, for every step you take, your arms participate by swinging. In some ways, the arm begins in the opposite hip, the diagonal complex of muscles giving power across the back. Your feet however, also transfer power through your spine to your shoulders and ultimately your arms. This lesson helps make all these connections as you explore movement in different orientations that not just lengthen your arms, but your spine as well.
Length: 48.13
Turn, Turn, Turn.
$3.99 View DetailsOne of the most important skills of the human skeleton is the ability to differentiate: Head from shoulders, chest from pelvis, all the parts finding ways to rotate in different directions, or together, by choice. This lesson is an exploration of the many possibilities for your spine and its relationship to the parts of you that can turn.
Liberating the Hip Joints
$3.99 View DetailsThe hip joints help us move forward in the world. Injury, trauma, grief and tension limit our possibilities. This incredibly subtle, yet powerful lesson will give you a new view on how the hip flexors connect to your back - impacting your posture and your walk.
Your Inner Spaces
$3.99 View DetailsThe inside of your mouth. Your eye sockets. Your skull. your abdominal cavity. Who thinks of those spaces? And yet, they contain essential organs and functions. Journey with me into the inside of your head and discover how that simple act can change everything. (I know, a big claim, but I'm sticking with it.)
A New Relationship With Your Blanket
$3.99 View DetailsBlankets are not just for snuggling. In this amazingly relaxing lesson, you will learn how to soften your whole self by using a rolled up blanket as a support for changing your relationship of your bones to muscles, and how to make gravity your friend. You will need a small blanket, like a throw or a Mexican blanket, and perhaps a small pillow.
Oh the Places Your Spine Can Go
$3.99 View DetailsSpoiler alert: You will roll. And bend. And twist. And hopefully learn that you can do the same thing many different ways. Prepare to be confused and hopefully amazed.
Do the Twist
$3.99 View DetailsThis side lying lesson is deceptively simple. You could say it's just about rolling the head, but it manages to awaken your ability to turn in the neck, thoracic spine, and open the shoulders. Remember: less is more!
Get Tall
$3.99 View DetailsOK - the title gives it away. But it's such a cool way to use small movements to increase the space in your trunk and lengthen your spine. Just remember to do it small and have fun!
Ankle Miracle
$3.99 View DetailsI've been wanting to record this lesson for a long time. I have found it so helpful for understanding the connection between feet/ankles/hips and spine. There are challenging moments, but it's easy to adapt yourself. If you have knee pain, hip pain, plantar fascitis or other foot issues, you'll love this lesson.
Yoga Arms
$3.99 View DetailsIn Yoga, there's an asana (posture) called Cow Face. The arm portion can be very challenging for the shoulders. This lesson explores ways to make friends with the position while learning about the relationship of your arms to your back and hips. You don't need to know a thing about yoga to benefit from this lesson. And if you are a yoga practitioner, just remember, less is more. Don't strive to succeed, just enjoy the process. This lesson is a seated lesson. Although the instructions are for sitting on the floor, you can easily adapt this to sitting in a chair if you just want to explore mobility of the arms and shoulders.
Heaven and Earth With the Pelvis in Between
$3.99 View DetailsWhat happens when you reach up? What happens when you reach down? Even more interesting is reaching in both directions at the same time. And what is the relationship to the act of reaching and your pelvis and ribs? Yes, this is another of those lessons that is a whole body experience and offers options for movement in many different directions.
Rounding Your Back CAN Improve Your Posture
$3.99 View DetailsThis is another take on ways to widen your back, bring more flexibility into your spine (and your life) and yes, improve your posture while lying down. In addition, you will discover some connections between your facial expression and your back muscles - always a mind blower.