The Power of the Pelvis


4 lessons to embody the power of your pelvis. 

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The Power of the Pelvis is a Workshop designed to activate and enliven your vital center. The pelvis can be a source of spontaneity and joy, or the seat of challenge for anyone who has had an injury, illness or trauma that has compromised pelvic mobility. Athletes, martial artists and performing artists rely on its power for peak performance. The lessons in this workshop have been chosen for their ease, effectiveness and ability to integrate the function of the pelvis into daily activities. This CD set is for anyone desiring greater ease of movement, increased vitality, and a better understanding of the pelvis’ role in a satisfying life.

“These are simple, basic and relaxing sessions that could be an excellent adjunct for home use early in the treatment of the patient with pelvic floor or spinal dysfunction or with pelvic pain syndromes.” – Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy

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