Letting in the Light

Letting in the Light

“Learning is turning darkness, which is the absence of light, into light. Learning is creation. It is making something out of nothing. Learning grows until it dawns on you.” – Moshe Feldenkrais  from Body Awareness as Healing Therapy: The Case of Nora...
Can You Take It With You?

Can You Take It With You?

Around 15 years ago, a friend gave me a card she had made. I stuck it on my bulletin board. Today as I removed it to look at it (“What is this card anyway? Why is it here?”) I saw that there are many pushpin holes in it – obviously throughout the years, I’ve removed...

Costa Rica Participants Information Form

Name(required) Email(required) Phone Emergency Contact Info Tell me a little bit about yourself, your movement experience and why you are coming (and “I just want to get out of winter” is a perfectly fine answer ☺) Do you have any physical, mental or emotional...
A Cure for Doomscrolling

A Cure for Doomscrolling

I scroll down the NY Times feed with my morning coffee. Delta variant is threatening us. Delta 8 is offering to make me forget my fears. Delta Airlines is offering an escape with flexible cancellation. You know the rest of the headlines. I scroll and find that after...
Belonging and Inviting

Belonging and Inviting

The other day, a friend told me about her new cleaning lady. “She’s lovely, hard working, and…she’s a liberal,” she grinned. I remember reading an article about the war in Afghanistan where the writer spoke about tribalism and how American ideals can never compete...
Investing in Failure

Investing in Failure

Growing Neurons? Photo: Ron on an e-bike (2021) It was one of those unexpected February moments when the temperature blasted up to 70 and I turned to my husband Ron and said, “Hey, let’s take the e-bikes for a ride!” The relatively new bikes had been gathering dust...
Do You See What I See?

Do You See What I See?

Photo by Ron Morecraft My husband Ron and I ventured out yesterday to one of the many local antique/flea market venues, hoping for a safe, socially  distant, adventure in shopping for nothing. As I perused potential end tables, and fantasized about a $700 antique,...