Possibilites Unfolded!

Casperia, Italy offered the perfect backdrop for a week of learning and retreat. We were like time travelers dropped into a medieval village of quaint buildings and narrow cobblestone streets. No cars, church bells ringing, vistas of olive groves surrounding us. Yet a...

Choice Vs. Compulsion

“As you reach with your right arm could one of your legs help lengthen your arm?  Which one?  The right? The left?  Both? Neither?  Do you begin your reach with your arm? Your shoulder?  Your foot?” Someone once left my class saying, “I can’t stand it.  You offer too...

If You Scratch Your Nose…

Just Google “politicians lying body language”, and you will come up with a plethora of “expert” articles that tell you open palms mean sincerity, but open palms from a politician mean he’s pretending to be sincere, but Al Gore’s open palms are real, or all politicians...

I’ve Got to be Me

The way you wear your hat The way you sip your tea The memory of all that No, no they can’t take that away from me George and Ira Gershwin Moshe Feldenkrais once said that you could recognize someone from 100 kilometers away (with the right binoculars :-))...

Smooth Operator

A common reaction after a Feldenkrais lesson is, “Whoa! I’m walking with a wiggle!” or “I don’t think my hips should move this much.” Or even “Uh oh.  This walk is going to get me into trouble.” But what I see as that person is walking is a beautiful, elegant, smooth...

Sex Appeal

Casanova has been described as swarthy and with a large nose, yet he managed to seduce his way through Europe.  Milton Erickson, who was wheelchair bound, was always surrounded by admiring women at events.  Moshe Feldenkrais, who in appearance was no Brad Pitt, was...

You’ve Got the Power

Earthquakes. Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Floods.  Oh my. This morning, gale force winds whipped through my yard, downing a tree, and knocking out the power. In the face of nature’s power, human achievement can be rendered meaningless in less than thirty seconds.  I...

On The Other Hand

An article by Herbert Wray recently suggested that movement enhances creative thinking.  Imagine that J. It cited a number of very serious studies, including one where they told people to gesture with their hands as they spoke.  The people who literally embodied “on...

Doors of Perception

Finally! There is a scientific explanation for forgetting. I feel so relieved. A recent study has found that when you cross a threshold or go through a doorway, you experience a temporal distortion that places you in a different time/space than on the other side. So...

My Bi-Partison Self

All this talk about the right and left not able to come to an agreement, unable to strike a balance, and trying to undermine each other’s efforts made me think of the invisible divisions between my right and left sides.  It seems sometimes that like the Biblical...