Money Could Make You Sick

When asked what surprised him about humanity the most, the Dalai Lama replied: “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. “ Nothing is more important than your health….except for your money –...

What Am I Missing?

Yesterday, I saw a groundhog actually dive into his burrow. The hole in the ground was on the side of the road where I have walked for years about three times a week. I think I know this road; every tree, the rusty, abandoned trailer with the vinyl siding flapping in...

I Didn’t See that Coming!

O would some power the gift to give usTo see ourselves as others see us.                           Robert Burns                      What gets in the way of our dreams? People often blame outer circumstances for the detours and dead ends on their life path. Certainly...

Rolling with it

Enjoy this fun meditation by Houston Feldenkrais Practitioner, Mary Beth SmithThe Mardi Gras season breathes its last gasp today. New Orleans, Galveston, and other cities in the Southern U.S. bid adieu to their revelers and pack away the parade floats until the next...

A Threadbare Universe

I remember the first time I noticed it.  Walking down a street in New Jersey, I passed a nail salon.  Three stores down, to my amazement, there was another one.  Why? What was the difference between the two salons?  Why two on the same block?  And then, short term...