Unlocking the rib cage

I was working with someone recently who had a great deal of back pain. She was lying on her side on the table and I was gently exploring the area where her spine connected to her ribs. “What are you doing” she asked.“I’m exploring how your ribs...

Standing Back Up

Moshe Feldenkrais defined health as the ability to recover from shock. Shock can come in many forms: injury, illness, war, physical trauma, losing a job. I recently got a phone call that my fifty year old brother had been found dead of a heart attack. Even now as I...

Creative Failure

This past December after one of the many North Carolina snowstorms, we had no power for four days. No phone, no water, no light. No computer, no TV. It was hard to read by candlelight. So I decided to do something I’d been avoiding since the New Age Movement...

Bone Dance

A few years ago, I got one of those amazing viruses that totally incapacitate you for twenty four hours. At a certain point, my fever must have gone through the roof. I began to babble (unfortunately I was alone, so no one took notes of what channeled wisdom from the...

Nuances of Thought

Here is an interesting post by Bruce Zeines from the Brooklyn Free School on body language.Posted in Brooklyn Free School by bzeines on October 23, 2009We do not have a legitimate television in our home. That is not to say that media does not get to us here—it...

Embracing Change

For a month, I kept banging my head. Unintentionally, or so it seemed. Suddenly everywhere I turned, I encountered a barrier. Obstacles leapt in to connect with my forehead, my temple, the top of my skull.Cursing, but pushing on, I walked into more doors. I hit my...

Getting Hip

I’ve had a series of people come to see me lately with varying degrees of hip pain. Some have been “diagnosed” with arthritis, others just feel aching and limitations. When I ask students to point to their hip joints, 90% point to the outside of the...

What Are Your Dreams?

A New Approach for Realizing Your GoalsFor several years, I’ve been privileged to work with people who have sought me out for suggestions and support in their personal development. Business people, Feldenkrais teachers, writers and others have benefited from a...

Effortless Effort

Josie is poised, unmoving, as she focuses her gaze. Her intention is clear. She moves through the grass like a slow motion film, periodically freezing, one paw in the air. Then in a blur of fur, she runs, leaps and the unfortunate vole that I couldn’t even see...