How Can Feldenkrais Help Me?

How can the Feldenkrais Method help with:

Movement difficulties? Many movement problems are the result of misuse and overuse – poor posture, arthritis, tendonitis to name a few. Even getting up from a chair the same way for 40 years can eventually cause problems. Bad habits can be unlearned; new, more efficient habits can be learned. For people who have movement problems due to injury, stroke or illness, the Feldenkrais Method provides a way to discover new movement pathways, literally re-training the nervous system so that improvement and healing can occur.

“Working with Lavinia has helped me tremendously. I have learned to decrease my low back and shoulder discomfort. Learning to use my mind’s eye to increase my awareness is even more valuable. I feel much more integrated – physically, mentally and spiritually.” Debbie Lawler, R.N.

Repetitive Strain Injuries? Usually repetitive strain injuries occur because the muscle group has become fatigued, creating strains, tears and syndromes like carpal tunnel. Feldenkrais lessons help people learn to use more of the bigger muscles in the body to do the job – remember, every finger is connected ultimately to muscles in the back that can take the strain off the hand!

TMJ and Migraines? There are so many causes for TMJ and migraines – ranging from stress to improper neck alignment. The student and teacher explore the movement patterns that have led to the TMJ problems and devise a program that gently re-organizes the head/neck/jaw relationship.

Stress Relief ? Stress is everywhere, it’s how you respond to stress that makes the difference between feeling good and freaking out. Feldenkrais lessons relieve stress in a number of ways – 1) the quiet, slow movements help quiet the nervous system, 2) the focus on breathing helps relax the mind, as well as provide much needed oxygen, 3) The lessons direct your attention to areas that are in a “holding pattern”, where excess muscular tension is tiring the body.

ADD/ADHD?  Many people with ADD/ADHD are actually brilliant, and kinesthetically talented. However, they cannot focus because the nervous system is so excited. Feldenkrais lessons help quiet the mind. They are also interesting and challenging, students feel the difference in their thinking process right away. Feldenkrais once said, “It’s not flexible bodies I’m after, it’s flexible minds.”

Fibromyalgia /Insomnia? Doctors have discovered that sleep medication helps relieve some symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Sleep disorders, Chronic fatigue, etc. are often characterized by poor breathing, excess muscle tonus and an overactive sympathetic nervous system. Feldenkrais lessons teach simple techniques that allow the system to rest, and therefore recuperate.

Athletic and Artistic Performance? To perform at your peak you want to be aware of every muscle and how it moves, without having to think about it. Yehudi Menuhin, Julius Irving, the Olympic Kayak Team, and countless other athletes and performing artists around the world have improved their performance thanks to the Feldenkrais Method. “If you know what you are doing, you can do what you want.” Moshe Feldenkrais

“Arthritis in my hip nearly ended my career. Lavinia taught me how to reduce my pain and play even better than before. Life without Feldenkrais is not living.” Gloria Carter, Over 55 National Tennis Champion