A Leg to Stand On: Finding Support, Moving Forward Without Pain


2 hr 23 min


Experiential Anatomy — A Leg to Stand On: Finding Support, Moving Forward Without Pain

Why do our knees give out? Why do our feet hurt? And what does that have to do with how I move through life? Join me and find out! We don’t think about our legs as a very metaphysical part of ourselves. But they tell profound stories – of flight, burdens, trauma, even the state of our emotions and health. Knee pain, weak ankles, bunions and more are not simply accidents or genetic. Experience an immersion into your support system and how you can connect thinking/feeling/sensing/spirit with Awareness Through Movement® and inner exercises.

Series 1 Workshops: Seeing with Your Whole Self: the Eyes, Expression, Orientation and Balance, A Leg to Stand On: Finding Support, Moving Forward Without Pain, Where Is Your Head? Posture, Ease and Clear Thinking

Welcome to a new relationship with yourself. The Experiential Anatomy series of workshops are a portal into a deeper understanding of HOW you are. In each of the workshops, we will look how one part of you impacts the whole of you. Nothing ever happens in isolation, so even though we will focus the lessons on a part, each workshop is for the whole of yourself. Each workshop will include at least two Awareness Through Movement® lessons as well as an opportunity to connect movement with discussion, introspection and more.


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