Einstein once said: “When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes. When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours.  That’s relativity.”

Everyone is moaning that time is speeding up, that we have less time to think, plan, rest, as we scurry every faster like the Red Queen in Through the Looking Glass. But if Einstein is right, then time is just another perception. So if the faster you go, the faster time goes, what would be the opposite?  Why slowing down of course.  Jeremy Rifkin, in his book, Time Wars, suggested that when time seems to be going too quickly, the best thing to do is to just stop and be present. If I am in the present moment, time doesn’t even exist, because every moment is just right now.

The other day, my internet went down as I was reading an article on entropy.  Wow, disorder right before my very eyes, I thought.  After waiting, and cursing, and wandering about the house like a lost soul, I found myself in my library staring at the Encyclopedia Brittanica.  Yup, the real thing, all thirty volumes, staring reproachfully at me, abandoned and forgotten for years. I looked up entropy. I soon had seven volumes spread out on the bed and actually thought, “It’s like 3D Google!” Among all the fascinating things I read was an explanation that entropy proves the irreversibility of time.  So, if I stop time, am I reversing entropy?

Every Feldenkrais lesson is an opportunity to reverse entropy.  Or at least to stop time for a bit.  Moving slowly, pausing and allowing your attention to expand, has been known to reduce stress and anxiety, two products of our hurried lifestyle.  Who knows, maybe if everyone lies down at the same time to just listen their breath, we could, well, change the world.

So after reading this, just for a moment, stop. This is your moment.