I saw this cartoon on the internet the other day.

When I reposted it, it created a mini-storm of conflict between those who questioned our standard beliefs about prehistoric life spans, and those who felt early humans were punished for their carnivorous cruelty.

Lifespan is only a useful measure if life is worth living. As the old joke goes: a man went to see a doctor, worried about his life span. The doctor said, “If you give up drinking, dessert, coffee, meat and dairy, you could live to be 100!” And the man said, “If I do all that, I’ll feel like I’m 100!”

What is health really? Studies show that it’s not just the food we eat. Community, happiness, usefulness and intellectual stimulation all figure in the modern health profile. Many years ago, Moshe Feldenkrais defined health as the ability for the system to recover from shock. He said, “Health is measured, not by the capacity to stay standing, but by the ability to be knocked down and then return to standing.”

Whether it’s the emotional shock of losing a job or a loved one, the physical shock of an illness or an injury, or simply the shock of falling, being betrayed, or making a mistake, resilience is now considered to be one of the earmarks of true health.

One of the best ways to improve resilience is through movement. Whether it’s yoga, Feldenkrais, tai chi, walking or just dancing around in your living room, you’ll feel better making it a part of your life. I found a headline that I have pinned on my bulletin board to remind me of its value. It simply says “Movement is medicine.” And it costs a lot less than most prescriptions!