I’m one of those old hippies that finds meaning in everything: Coincidences, license plates, repetitive dreams. As if the universe was trying to get my attention, to wake up from my waking dream because I was ignoring something important. The more absurd, the more likely I would sit up, rub my eyes and listen. This time it was anchovies.

I never eat them. They were always just some slogy, dry thing that I’d remove from a pizza or a Caesar salad. Then my sister sent me a recipe for pasta with anchovies. I said ugh. She said, “No! The anchovies melt and disappear, leaving umami.” Umami. The Japanese word for a savory, indescribable flavor. The secret sauce in a meal. They used to use MSG for the same reason. 

Then I visited a friend and their son was making an olive caponata, “I have to make it without anchovies because my wife is vegan,” he bemoaned. I mentioned my aversion. “Oh no!” he said, “You don’t taste the anchovies, you just experience the umami.” And to push his point he gifted me a tube of anchovy paste. 

OK, I’m listening. What is the universe trying to tell me?

1. I need to add anchovies to my diet.
2. I need to learn to add umami to my food.
3. Or do I need to add umami to my life? 

What is the anchovy of my life? Is there a secret sauce needed to bring out the flavor of ordinary things like taking out the trash, driving to work, loading the dishwasher with my husband? Is there a special ingredient for making traffic delicious? Feeding the cats as a savory experience? What is the MSG of my day?

Gurus and teachers say love, or gratitude, or attention, or mindfulness. But each of these words can mean something different to an individual. Perhaps the secret sauce is something I’ve ignored, even avoided all these years without realizing the umami it could provide. As we enter the food season, how can I create “saveur” in my life? 

For sure, I’m making pasta with anchovy sauce tonight. 

Of course you know I’m going to say that doing an Awareness Through Movement® lesson will add umami to anyone’s day. Here’s a fun one to do in a chair