Free Audio Lessons

Each month we will explore a somatic approach toward improving the quality of life. I believe that since body and mind are intimately connected, when you learn more about how you function physically, you discover insights about your psychological self as well. Therefore, sometimes these lessons will offer ways to think about the movements from a mental and emotional as well as physical point of view.

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Back Pain Pelvic Clock

by Lavinia Plonka | I would consider this lesson one of Feldenkrais “greatest hits.” Students tell me it helps everything from back pain to writer’s block. Try it for yourself – who knows what you will discover?

A Trip Around the Sits Bones

Discover simple strategies to improve your posture and make sitting more comfortable. It will increase your productivity and reduce spinal stress.

A Longer Spine

You can’t just “command” your skeleton back into balance. But you can learn new, more effective habits that help balance the intricate relationship between stability and mobility. Feldenkrais lessons become like an inner dance, where awareness leads and all the other parts are delighted to follow.

Take a Walk

A mini-lesson designed to put your feet where they need to go.

Relax the Hand

This simple exercise not only reduces discomfort in the hand, it will relax your shoulders and can even relieve symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Sitting at your Desk

Learn how to make yourself comfortable in any kind of chair with a few simple movements. Your back will thank you.

Shoulder Clock

Take a few moments to relax your shoulder and discover ease with this simple movement.


Eyestrain and neck tension are both results of sitting too long in front of a computer. Try this short exercise to relax your eyes. You’ll be amazed at the improvement!

Check out the complimentary audios for Lavinia’s books:

Playing in the Kitchen | What Are You Afraid Of? | Walking Your Talk