From the Kinēsa Newsletter
Letting in the Light
"Learning is turning darkness, which is the absence of light, into light. Learning is creation. It is making something out of nothing. Learning grows until it dawns on you.” - Moshe Feldenkrais from Body Awareness as Healing Therapy: The Case of Nora There is a...
Can You Take It With You?
Around 15 years ago, a friend gave me a card she had made. I stuck it on my bulletin board. Today as I removed it to look at it (“What is this card anyway? Why is it here?”) I saw that there are many pushpin holes in it – obviously throughout the years, I’ve removed...
My Web of Habits
My Web of Habits (And My Arachnid Teacher) In the Academy Award winning film, My Octopus Teacher, naturalist Craig Foster develops a deep relationship with a talented octopus who teaches him life lessons in her brief year on earth. The film has had such an impact on...
Are You Happy Yet?
Are You Happy Yet? I've often wondered whether the founding fathers of this country laid some esoteric curse on its citizens when they declared our right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." What did they have in mind by making it a pursuit, instead of...
Costa Rica Participants Information Form
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A Cure for Doomscrolling
I scroll down the NY Times feed with my morning coffee. Delta variant is threatening us. Delta 8 is offering to make me forget my fears. Delta Airlines is offering an escape with flexible cancellation. You know the rest of the headlines. I scroll and find that after...