From the Kinēsa Newsletter
If The Shoe Doesn’t Fit…
According to the neuroscientist Antonio Damasio’s “somatic marker hypothesis” we recognize we are about to make a bad decision long before we actually do it. Card players hooked up to sensors exhibited stress signals before admitting they knew the game was rigged. So...

Almost Famous
“In the future, everyone in the world will be famous for 15 minutes.” - Andy Warhol You may not have noticed it, but I became famous almost a year ago. It started with my self-published “best seller” You’ve Got the Power: Four Paths to Unlocking Your Archetypal...
Grasp & Release
My Father lost everything: his home, his store, almost his life, to the Nazis. After the war, he lost everything again trying to open another store in London. And finally in his later years, he lost everything again, bankrupting himself with an ill-fated travel...
Thanks for the Memories
I don’t remember any of my Mother’s stories. I do remember her by the bed, leaning over me, singing: Tell me a story Tell me a story Tell me a story And then I’ll go to bed There are more verses and I remember them as well. But I can’t conjure the image of my Mother...

Sing Me a Story
There is a theory that before humans developed words, they sang to each other, like birds. Imagine the nuance of melody as the angry female demanded to know why the man was so late coming home from the hunt. Or the cooing of a lovers’ conversation. Diplomatic...

Ode to a Spatula
It was a beautiful relationship. Always there when I needed it, scooping, wiping, scraping without ever a complaint, our orange spatula had been with us since the days before silicone utensils. It had traveled with us when we moved from New Jersey 22 years ago, a...