By building an awareness of how you move, you can navigate any emotional and physical challenges that you’re carrying from the past. I’ve built upon best practices in the field and my decades of teaching Feldenkrais to help you address any issue that limits your ability to live a healthy, pain-free, joyful, purpose-filled, and creative life.
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Advanced Feldenkrais®-Inspired Movement for Heightened Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Wellness
Experience subtle, yet powerful somatic movement, cogent wisdom, and guided meditations to move with greater freedom, cultivate emotional fluency and turn your own sensations into a powerful way to heal.
benefits of kinēsa®
The kinēsa® process blends ancient traditions, modern science and cutting edge movement technologies into a powerful whole being education.
Learn to:

- Develop physical and emotional resilience.
- Develop your own proprioceptive sense of self-awareness, curiosity for self-inquiry and self-practice.
- Improve your relationships with yourself and others.
- Clarify and evolve your self-image.
- Learn how to change your brain map for pain reduction, physical and emotional balance.
- Experience the power of true embodiment.
- Improve observational skills.
- Own a repertoire of movement lessons for personal practice.
- Gain skills that you can learn to apply in your profession and your life.
- Become mentally and physically nimble.
- Realize your dreams.
the kinēsa® process training: the universe-ity of you

Esoteric traditions around the world compare the human body to a microcosm of the entire universe. Many years ago, the astrophysicist Carl Sagan stated that “we are made of star stuff.”
Your history, your emotions, your choices, everything about your existence is in your body.
Your brain is constantly “re-presenting” the world you are creating. Thousands of years ago, the Oracle at Delphi said that “Know thyself,” was the key to living.
For centuries, people have found, then lost, then found again, the connections between thought, emotion, and action in the human organism. One consistent path is the study of movement. As you raise your hand to scratch your head, snort in derision, slump in despair, you are enacting rituals encoded in your neurons based on education, culture and biology. What do you know?
How you move is how you move through life.
But movement alone is not enough. After all, amoebas move. Ants move. And while all creatures great and small are to be respected, the unique experience of being human offers the possibility of choice. A calf knows how to walk within minutes of birth. It follows the program that is almost impossible to change. But the human brain can change, evolve, and adapt, choosing how to respond to life.

this is why I developed kinēsa®

Kinēsa® is an experiential learning process which synthesizes ancient wisdom teachings with modern science and sensory-motor intelligence for creating conscious choice and optimal health.
Kin = Kinesthetic
Learning through movement, listening to your body’s choices as you move toward more functional choices for optimal health.
Ē = Emotion
You are an emotional body. Your movement choices reflect and influence your emotional state and vice versa. You develop emotional fluency – the ability to regulate your emotions in life situations.
S = Sensation
By attending to your sensations, your movements become the result of choice, not compulsion. Sensation is the gateway to clarity: of intention, action and possibility.
A = Attention
The Latin root meaning of attend is “to stretch,” giving the mind the ability to “apply one’s mind or energies to” (Old English definition). The result is a clarity of thinking and enhanced perception.
Inspired by the teaching of Moshe Feldenkrais and others, kinēsa® combines the power of slow, meditative movement with current research in neuroscience, somatic approaches to emotional regulation and an immersion in the relationship of spiritual traditions and mythology to functional movement.
It’s a mouthful, and the result of a lifetime of study.
But you don’t need to take that long.
The Seven Principles
I traveled the long and winding (and bumpy) road for you and have synthesized it into seven principles for embodiment and personal mastery:
(the skills of Proprioception, Exteroception, Interoception)

(the gateway to self and others)

(vision, perspective, intuition and insight)

(freedom to feel, think, act)

(the strength and potency to do
what you want)

(dynamic stability physically, mentally, emotionally)

(authenticity and curiosity)

The Seven Bodies
You are so much more than arms, legs, organs and brain. Kinesa looks at the human experience through the lens of seven bodies and how they interpenetrate and influence our actions and each other.
Your Physical Body
is the vessel that carries your experience: sensation, proprioception, structure, function and of course our relationship to gravity

Emotional Body
receives, reacts, responds via neurochemicals into expression

Your Mental Body
plans, organizes and imagines possibility

Your Creative Body
plays, improvises and invents new ways of manifesting in the world

Your Energy Body
is a swirling infinity of particles that form what we call molecules, atoms, and me

Your Archetypal Body
contains your history along with humanity’s story

Your Alchemical Body
carries your ingredients for transformation in all of the bodies

Discover the Unlimited Potential for Joyful Living with Every Move You Make
kinēsa is your key to unlock the power residing in every move you make.
This complete learning system teaches practical, joyful strategies you can use daily to choose functional habits, overcome anxiety and other emotional obstacles, develop resilience and become your true, potent self.
I have spent years developing the Kinēsa process. You can experience it for yourself and even learn to become a Kinēsa practitioner. In the meantime, you can experience Kinēsa here.
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