The Creative Body
Exploring new paradigms in self-knowledge
We are constantly creating: every breath, every thought, every decision, every step is an act of creation. Relationships, ideas, emotions, projects, even reality come from the creative process contained within us. There is a limitless store of information, possibility and action available in every part of the self – from the pinky to the eyes. For thousands of years, the call has come to us, “Know thyself.” Yet what do we know? What can we know?
The mind is the body and the body is the mind. And the body is in movement all the time. While we move, we are thinking, feeling and sensing. In order to be truly “embodied” therefore, these parts of oneself need to be connected. The head has to know what the body is doing and feeling. The body has to sense both its function and how thoughts and emotions affect it.
My life has been dedicated to this search for connection among my parts. It has been a journey through many disciplines and studies, both inner and outer. The Creative Body utilizes the brilliance of these disciplines in the training process: The Feldenkrais Method®, Alba Emoting, the body language training of Delsarte, theater, martial arts, meditation and more. In addition, all Creative Body workshops and trainings incorporate many years of research in both ancient traditions and contemporary science. My aim is to provide a process that can help others discover the immense power contained in their creative bodies.
Really perfect. The activities and lessons fully supported my evolution.